Obiora Embry’s Blog ‐ Saturday, 6 July 2024

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Saturday, 6 July 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Looked for the Nootka Rose Garlic to harvest but did not find any.

Cut back most vegetation in the northern brush pile and then sowed Pennsylvania Dutch Crookneck Squash, Biodynamic Butternut Squash, Cinderella Pumpkin New England Sugar Pie Squash, Illinois Squash, Guatemalan Blue Squash, Boston Marrow Squash, North Georgia Candy Roaster Squash, Connecticut Field Pumpkin, Marina di Chioggia Squash, Tobacco Box Gourd, and Luffa Gourd.

Broadcasted Sugar Drip Sorghum, Dragon’s Claw Millet, and Black Sorghum where the Rattlesnake Master grows.

Emptied out Tea "mash" in the northern brush pile and weed whipped.