Obiora Embry’s Blog ‐ Sunday, 31 March 2024

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Sunday, 31 March 2024 by Obiora Embry

Greenville, KY

Transplanted Red Pontiac Potatoes near the Rattlesnake Master. Broadcasted Brown Flax seeds and Anaheim Hot Pepper with the Potatoes.

Added a dilution of Chamomila remedy to the Wild Black Cherry and Sumac tree in the northern brush pile. Put food waste out too.

Transplanted Lemon Balm and English Thyme in the southern brush pile. Added more deterrents to the area to protect them from deer.

In the northern brush pile I broadcasted Florida Tick Trefoil.

Around our two acres I broadcasted Wild Blue Lupine, Wild Senna, Florida Tick Trefoil, White Prairie Clover, Wild Blue Lupine, Purple Prairie Clover, Prairie Bundleflower, and Partridge Pea.

Broadcasted German Chamomile in the southern brush pile and Scullcap with the Elderberries.